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Whiskey Black

Whiskey is a writer, artist, foodie, photographer and audiophile. She believes in equality for all, animal or human, regardless of breed, race, religion, or sexual preference. She has a thing for werewolves and prefers to write Urban Fantasy with lots of action.


Her inspiration growing up was YA Horror/Urban Fantasy writer, Christopher Pike. Anne Rice is also another huge inspiration for her. Character creation is Whiskey's favorite part of the writing process, and often she'll spend days, if not months, creating the perfect character. It's her obsession.


Whiskey has a small, tight knit group of writer friends who she communicates with often. They are her friends, chosen family and support system. She laughs often, loves deeply, trusts easily and forgives slowly but with her whole heart.


You can follow the musings of Whiskey Black at Whiskey Summer or find her on Facebook or Twitter.

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